Project Outputs
Find all project outputs, publications, and media created by the project here.
Public Deliverables
- D1.1 Analysis of the key features of the future EU energy market and associated regional/national landscapes
- D1.2 Description and techno-economic characterisation of the hybrid system components
- D1.3 Description of techno-economic assessment of energy policies and relations among hybrid energy systems
- D1.4 Description of selected study cases for safety techno-economic analysis and optimisation
Project Outputs
- Nuclear-Hydrogen Digest: Nuclear Energy in the Hydrogen Economy
- The TANDEM Euratom Project: Context, Objectives and Workplan
- The TANDEM Euratom Project: Context, Objectives, and Workplan
- The TANDEM Euratom Project to Study the Integration of SMRs into Low-Carbon Hybrid Energy Systems: Progress Status at Mid-Term
- Technology Review and Safety Assessment of Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems With Light-Water Small Modular Reactors
- Simulation of Flexible Small Modular Reactor Operation with a Therman Energy Storage System
- Dynamic Modelling and Optimisation of a Small Modular Reactor for Electricity Production and District Heating in the Helsinki Region