TANDEM presented at SNETP Forum
On 18 April 2024, the TANDEM project was presented during the SNETP Forum held in Rome (Italy). This intervention gave TANDEM the opportunity to provide an overview of the goals pf the project, including the creation of an enabling environment for the development of hybrid energy systems (HES) based on SMRs.
Furthermore, and update was provided on the work undertaken to date by this EU Project, namely:
- Development of tools and methodologies to assess HES. These include an open-source modelica-based library gathering models of the HES components and extension of the capability of existing tools.
- Implementation of these tools and methodologies in order to assess demonstrative case studies
- Development of a scientific community connected to other nuclear co-generation projects (eg NPHyCo and GEMINI 4.0)
TANDEM was also able to present some of its upcoming activities in the field of education and training.