TANDEM organises Scientific Advisory Committee kick-off meeting
On 8 March 2023, the first technical meeting of the TANDEM Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) took place online. The objective of this meeting was to get initial feedback from external experts in relation to the results of TANDEM and guidance on future directions.
Since the TANDEM project started 8 months ago (in September 2023), work has been progressing as planned. Work Package 1 has dedicated significant resources to configuring the Hybrid Energy Systems (HES) that will be studied throughout the project. This work is due to be completed in April/May of this year. The output from WP1 will form the basis of the work due to be undertaken by the other WPs.
During the SAC, the initial results and technical directions which will be used to configure the two HES (one for 2035 and one for 2050) were presented. All the other Work Packages have just started to work on their tasks, with an updated on their status also provided during the meeting.
The next Scientific Advisory Committee Members is scheduled for 5 and 6 October 2023, during the next TANDEM Consortium meeting.