TANDEM participates in joint workshop dedicated to SMRs
On 6 & 7 December 2022, TANDEM joined forces with ELSMOR in the organisation of a workshop dedicated to Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Over the course of two days, speakers from the European Commission, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, nucleareurope, ASN (French Nuclear Safety Authority) and the Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU provided an overview on:
- EU research & initiatives in the field of SMRs
- Support in the field of SMR safety research
- The European SMR pre-partnership
- The roll out of SMRs in Romania.
Furthermore, the outcomes of the ELSMOR project, which has been running for the past 3 years were presented. As were the goals of the TANDEM project, which kicked-off in September 2022 and will also run for a 3 year period.
Regarding specific SMR technology projects, EDF presented NUWARD, a European SMR technology. Fortum also provided insights into the potential financing of new nuclear projects, which will be key to enabling the development of SMRs in the EU.
Day 2 was dedicated to a series of more technical workshops covering issues such as defence in depth, passive safety systems and the future of EU research in the field of SMRs.