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Webinar Series: Andrea Alfonsi on ‘Microreactors for Remote Applications’ Friday 31 May 2024 at 15:00 CEST.

Andrea Alfonsi joined NuCube Energy, Inc. in 2023 and he is currently serving as the Nuclear Core Design Manager. Previously (2021-2023), he was the Nuclear Design and Analysis Functional Manager at Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC), in its Advanced Technology division, managing a large multi-disciplinary team of engineers focused on the design and development of nuclear technologies for space applications. Before joining USNC, he worked at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) for 10+ years (from 2010) covering multiple technical roles, including serving as Technical Leader and Principal Investigator for the development of the Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), parameter optimization and AI-aided Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)code RAVEN (Risk Analysis and Virtual ENvironment) and the Reactor Physics/Neutronics toolkit PHISICS (Parallel and Highly Innovative System for INL Code System).

With 15+ years of experience in the nuclear field (in both Research and Industry environments), he has been involved in research and development of several projects, spanning from reactor design and analysis to methods development for reactor physics applications, reduced order physics/models, advanced uncertainty quantification, etc.

He has a Ph.D. in Energy (Nuclear) Engineering by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy). In his career, he authored and co-authored more that 20+ journal publications, 60+ papers in proceedings of international conferences, and 40+ technical reports.

Please find more information and registration, here.

This webinar series is held in the framework of the TANDEM project in cooperation with the ENEN++ project and is organised by  the University of Pisa, CIRTEN.

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